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At the Heart
of Ontario

Charitable gaming helps provide essential resources to thousands of charities, non-profits and service clubs across Ontario, helping to strengthen and revitalize communities.

Want to learn more on the impacts of charitable gaming? Visit our sister site at

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Charitable Gaming

We Support


Charitable Bingo & cGaming

Charitable Bingo and cGaming is a partnership with Ontario Lottery and Gaming, charities, operators and municipalities to utilize technology and new product to grow revenues.




Traditional paper bingo continues to be played in licensed commercial bingo centres, churches and legions across the province


Break Open Tickets

Break Open Tickets (Nevada Tickets) are a successful charitable gaming product that is available at local convenience stores, legions and bingo halls across Ontario.


Paper & Electronic


Licensed raffles, 50/50 draws and calendar-based prize giveaways are a crowd-pleasing and important fundraising tool for charities and non-profits.

OCGA Proudly Supporting over 2100
Ontario Charities

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How do Proceeds

Help Charities

When you purchase a Break Open Ticket, a raffle ticket or participate in charitable bingo, a portion of the proceeds support Ontario charities and non-profits, providing funding for such things as hospitals and provincial health organizations, seniors groups, youth sports organizations, service clubs, legions, educational groups, special needs services, services for children and families, cultural and religious organizations.

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