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Start Me Up Niagara Supporting People Facing Challenges

Start Me Up Niagara offers services to support people facing significant challenges such as poverty, homelessness, unemployment, disabilities, addictions, and mental health issues. Their goal is to provide opportunities for individuals to help increase their level of self-sufficiency and improve their quality of life. Their services range from community lunches, health care, arts and gardening programs, housing supports and employment development. They are working to build a community where all are included.

During COVID -19, many citizens found it difficult to retrieve essential items such as food and hygiene supplies. Food insecurity has increased tremendously as access to healthy food items became challenging throughout the pandemic. At risk populations need helping hands to access nutritious food and supplies required to meet basic needs. The housing team at Start Me Up Niagara gathered supplies to create food hampers that were delivered to participants who were socially isolated over the past year due to health and safety protocols. The hampers were filled with nutritious foods for consumption by some of the Niagara Region’s most vulnerable people. Start Me Up Niagara is grateful for the funds raised through cGaming at Delta Bingo and Gaming St. Catharines.


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