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$250 Million Raised Celebrated at Queen's Park

We are pleased to announce that cGaming has achieved a very significant milestone. To-date, over $250 M ($44 M this past fiscal) has been directed to almost 2,000 participating charities and non-profits providing vital services in their communities. Charities and non-profits provide volunteers in the centres to support customer service and bring awareness of how the funds benefit the community. Over 28,000 volunteers are contributing their time.

To celebrate this milestone, on November 25th an event was held at Queen’s Park with MPPs, the Ontario Charitable Gaming Association (OCGA), the Commercial Gaming Association Ontario (CGAO), the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).

The Hon. Rod Phillips, Minister of Finance, took time out from his budget meetings to come by to congratulate the industry. The Hon. Doug Downey, Attorney General, spoke about the importance of charitable gaming and the difference it makes in communities across Ontario. Percy Hatfield, MPP for Windsor - Tecumseh, spoke about the impact the two cGaming centres make in his community. Our final speaker was Jean Major, Registrar and CEO, AGCO, who spoke about the uniqueness of the sector and the many years of effort and collaboration that went into making cGaming a success.

We were very pleased that many MPPs took time to attend and learn more about charitable gaming.

For more information, please click on Press Release.


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