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Thank you for attending the 2024 Charitable Gaming Conference. We look forward to seeing you next year. 

Ontario’s Charitable Gaming Conference was be held on Tuesday, November 12th and Wednesday, November 13th, 2024, at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Toronto Airport & Conference Centre, Toronto, Ontario. Jointly hosted by the Commercial Gaming Association Ontario (CGAO) and the Ontario Charitable Gaming Association (OCGA), this event focuses on the charitable gaming sector in Ontario and brings together commercial operators, charities, government partners, and gaming suppliers.​​


Platinum Sponsor
Tuesday, November 12th

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Operator Risk Environment Workshop (Restricted to CGAO Members Only)

International B

As the business evolves, the requirement around compliance also evolves. We are offering a workshop to Commercial Operators to broaden awareness and an understanding of these issues and the potential ‘risk’ they bring. cGaming is always looking to mitigate such ‘risks’ based on our business environment.


Don Bourgeois, Advisor, CGAO

Peter McMahon, CEO, CGAO

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

cGaming Scheduling Workshop

International A

Municipalities differ in their approaches when determining the number of assignments for charities, and this can make scheduling a challenge. This session will provide tips and tricks for effective cGaming volunteer scheduling.


Nichi Aikins, Field Coordinator, OCGA

Richard Schwar, Director of Operations, OCGA

12:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Trade Show Floor Open

International C

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM

Coffee available

Conference Opening Address

International C

Coffee Break Sponsor


Peter McMahon, CEO, CGAO

Lynn Cassidy, Executive Director, OCGA

Hon. Stan Cho, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming

Hon. Doug Downey, Attorney General

A Year in Review - The Partnership

International C

OCGA and CGAO have had a long and effective partnership.  How do they work together - sometimes with different interests and what are some of the successes over the past year?


Peter McMahon, CEO, CGAO

Lynn Cassidy, Executive Director, OCGA

2:15 PM - 3:00 PM

cGaming - A Retrospective

International C

Collaboration between operators, charities, the AGCO and OLG resulted in the introduction of technology into traditional bingo with a linked game in 1997.  Hear about the evolution over the years to modernize the bingo industry and generate millions for charities.


Jean Major, JLM Consulting (Former CEO, AGCO)

Tom Marinelli, Habtom Consulting Inc. (Former CEO, OLG)

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

iGaming - The Opportunities and Challenges

International C

iGaming has been a tremendous success in Ontario but not without its challenges.  Hear about the future direction and what’s next for internet gaming in Ontario.


Martha Otton, Executive Director, iGaming Ontario

Mitchell Davidson, Chief of Staff, iGaming Ontario

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Opening Reception & Tradeshow

International C

Opening Reception Sponsor
Wednesday, November 13th

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Breakfast & Tradeshow

International C

9:00 AM - 9:45 AM


International C

Lynn Cassidy, Executive Director, OCGA
Peter McMahon, CEO, CGAO


Jim Warren, Chair, Ontario Lottery and Gaming

Duncan Hannay, President and CEO, Ontario Lottery and Gaming

Dr. Karin Schnarr, CEO and Registrar, Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario

Martha Otton, Executive Director, iGaming Ontario

9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Our Brand Impact - Charitable Gaming. Community Good. 

International C


Mary O’Neill, Marketing Manager, OCGA

Richard Toker, President, Branderos

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Coffee Break & Trade Show

International C

Coffee Break Sponsor

10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Postcode Lottery Europe

International C


Judith Lingeman, Director International Affairs, Postcode Lottery Group

Kim Geurtz, Head of New Business, Postcode Lottery Group

10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Legal Gaming Landscape

International A


Don Bourgeois, Advisor, CGAO

Peter Czegledy, Aird & Berlis LLP

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Policy & Play Panel

International C


Joseph Hillier, Chief Strategy Officer, AGCO
Dave Phillips, Chief Operating Officer, AGCO

Dave Pridmore, Chief Gaming Officer, OLG

Michelle Eaton, Senior VP, Corporate Affairs, OLG

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Lunch & Trade Show

International C

Lunch Sponsor
DB Full CMYK Ball H.png

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Play Smart Progress for cGaming

International C


Tyjondah Kerr, Director, Program Development and Delivery, OLG

Lorelle Muller-Lumsden, Director, PlaySmart Centre, RGC

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Charity Challenges - Panel Discussion

International C


Adriana Lombardo-Fernandez, Co-Executive Director and Program Manager - Children, Youth and Families, AboutFace

Thanah Sriskantha, Community Development Manager, Armagh

Mike Stuppiello, Administrative Assistant, Wayside House of St. Catharines and President, St. Catharines Charitable Gaming Association

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Marketing Approaches

International A


Diane Gartshore, Strategy Advisor, CGAO

Andrew Faria, Vice President, RSG

Gold Sponsors
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Silver Sponsors
Bet Rite Logo jpg.jpg
Bronze Sponsor
Conference Supporter
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